Thursday, August 11, 2011

Guess what i found!!

So normally my walk to work is fairly uneventful, but today i looked up and saw........

TADA!!! I could only wonder if my wildest dreams had come true, that somehow i had fallen into a portal that had taken me straight to the islands and soon i would be far from work and be on the beach with girls in grass skirts, waves slowly crashing across the shore, a cold beer in my hand and not a worry in my head...... couldn't have been farther from the truth but its nice to dream.  So i have now decided that i will walk by these bananas on my way to work everyday till they are ripe.  Then when they are maybe they will mysteriously disappear... maybe someone in the dead of night will walk out there with his chef knife and free them from their branch?  Then maybe that person will make a bunch of excellent banana inspired dishes and then blog about them?


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

"BlueBerry Barbecue Sauce"

Blueberries... i never thought i could every have too many blueberries, that is until a week ago.  My mother had given me over six pints of fresh Mississippi blueberries, and when i received them i was more than excited! I made pancakes, breads, compotes, and even daiquiris all with this fantastic ingredient! (Recipes to follow soon!!!) I was walking to work with a ziplock bag full of them and popping them in my mouth till wee hours of the night.  But as they say too much of a good thing is bound to get boring, and as i stared at my last two pints of blueberries i could only think that i wanted to try something different. So i scavenged my shelves and fridge for some little scrap of inspiration and i come upon a lone bottle of "KC Barbecue Sauce" and now one of my favorite sauces is born!!!  Its sweet its tangy, and an awesome addition to ribs, steak, or even a little bit of grilled salmon. Its a great twist to old school barbecue, (I hope old school barbecuers don't come after me for messing with their craft!!!) and will definitely have your friends coming back to the grill over and over again!

Here is the Recipe, its an extremely easy sauce and will work just as well with your favorite berry.


  • Basic BBQ Sauce                   18 oz
  • Blueberries                                2 pints
  • Chili Flakes                               4 tbsp
Simmer one pint of Blueberries with the BBQ Sauce and chili flakes on low heat for two hours. Afterwards puree in blender until smooth, strain through mesh strainer and then season with salt and pepper. Done

Like i said an extremely easy sauce that will make you the star of your next Barbecue, and you better hurry up summer is basically over!!!  If you are not into the spicy food, like me, you can leave the chili flakes out and it is just as great!

So with this being the first post of what i hope to be a crazy ride, i just want to thank anyone and everyone who read the inaugural post of "Spoon in One Hand, Bottle in the Other!" Brace yourselves for more posts!!!!